Wow, am I ever behind the times. I have followed other peoples blogs for quite some time but never felt the urge to have my own. Until recently. It looks like my husband and I are finally going to get to do something that we have been wanting to do for quite some time and I want to keep it documented so that I can look back on it and see if it was anything like we expected as well as keep track of our travels.
If all goes well, next month (Feb 2010) we will start our new career with expediting. Expediting is a form of OTR truck driving with a twist. Our truck will be a straight truck with a 20' box for freight. It will have a daycab with a 96" sleeper with most of the comforts of home. No shower or toilet, however, there are trucks out there that do provide those. Just not our truck. At least not the one we will start out with.
Since this is my first post and just in case someone out there in the world may happen upon this blog and take an interest, I suppose I should give a little background on us. We have been married for 27 years, have 2 sons in their 20's who live out on their own. We are both in our 40's with no real ties at home. We were born and raised in Indiana and lived there until 2005. We moved to Florida because we were sick of the cold winters. We both got very lucky and found jobs here in Florida that actually paid more than the ones we had in Indiana. However, then along came the economic recession and by by went the jobs. After not working for a year, we decided to go to truck driving school and get our Class A Cdl's. We went to a very good school at Mid Florida Tech, a community college which is part of Orange County Public Schools in Orlando. I very highly recommend this school for cdl training. We graduated and got our cdl's in Feb of 2009, all ready to go off on our new adventures only to find out that the recession had worsened and now driving jobs were even hard to come by.
We had applied to Conway Truckload and and were accepted by them. We went to their orientation in Feb of 2009 in Joplin, Mo. We made the mistake of thinking that we were hired. After all, they had done all of our paperwork and brought us out there, right? No. They take you there and put you through their testing and then select who they want to keep and who gets sent home. Needless to say, in our group, we got sent home and the drivers who already had experience got to stay. What a nightmare that was!! We had to take a Greyhound Bus home from Joplin, Mo to Orlando, Fl. First time either of us had been on a greyhound. Not planning to do that again!!
Anyway, got home and called every trucking company we could think of, and there were none that were hiring student drivers at that point. We were very discouraged and had no idea what we were going to do to survive. Luckily for us, one of our friends is a manager at Walmart and she helped us get jobs there. All I will say on that subject is that it kept us from starving.
We were so traumatized from the way we were treated at Conway that we didn't even think of driving anymore after we started at Walmart. At that point we were just so thankful to even have a job. However, as anyone who has ever worked at Walmart would probably tell you, it is not easy nor enjoyable, nor profitable working there. After about 7 months there, I started researching driving jobs again and somehow managed to stumble upon information about expediting. I mentioned it to my husband to see what his reaction was, and basically he said, Hell Yeah! When can we start?
I am the type of person who has to thoroughly research something before I am willing to get involved in it. So I began scouring the internet and learning all I could. I posted some questions on an expediting forum and received a private message from a lady who offered us an opportunity to take over driving her truck. Very sadly, her husband passed away from a heart attack and she will not drive it without him. She had read my posts on the forum and said that we reminded her of her and her husband. We began communicating by email and I let her know that we wouldn't be ready to start driving until after the first of the New Year and she said that was fine.
We had to go ahead and get our Hazmat Endorsements and our Passports, which we finally received in the mail yesterday. We will also be working on getting a clearance from the Dept of Defense for government shipments. Those actually pay better than regular loads.
We gave our notice at work yesterday and let them know that Feb 5th would be our last day there. That was an awesome feeling (and scary). It's really hard to give up a job in this economy. Even though the job sucks, but sometimes, you have to have faith and just do it or your fear will never allow you to live your dreams!
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This is the truck we will start out driving. 2006 Sterling |
Welcome to the world of blogging! When I started blogging back in 07 I did it for the same reason you did. I wanted to be able to look back and see where we had been and to document the good and the bad. On face value, we probably have a lot in common. Both of our kids are grown. One in the Navy and the youngest in college. We were tired of law enforcement after years of doing that and wanted out of the rat race. What a better way to do that then hit the open road, right? We have really enjoyed it! Although we may be coming off the road when our lease is up, but I still wouldn't trade the experience for the world. I don't know much about the expediting business, but I wish the two of you much luck and success! When you have your bad days out here, and you will, BLOG!! It has helped keep me sane! :)