Sunday, January 20, 2013

Final Countdown

Just about ready to hit the road again. It has been a LONG vacation. Not complaining...just saying. With the surgery, the ear infection, the sinus infection and the flu, it seemed like I was never going to be able to get back on the road.

With the extended time off, I have been able to get a lot of projects completed. Nothing major, just little things like organizing my online photo albums, working on this blog layout. Paperwork of course. Lots of little projects around the house. It's nice to have those things done so they don't eat away at you while you're on the road. It sucks that while you're on the road you have so much downtime but since you're away, you can't do the projects that wait for you at home. But, that just gives you an excuse to do fun things, like reading, watching movies, shopping.

Now that we're preparing to get back at it, I feel like the New Year is finally starting for us. I never really make resolutions but this year I am going to try and get healthier. That includes losing some weight, which I have never had to do in my life, and trying my very best to get some excercise, something I have done very little of in my life. Getting older stinks. My metabolism is finally slowing down. I've always been able to eat whatever I want and never had to worry about gaining weight. My body just seemed to maintain itself at the weight it thought it needed to be. I still pretty much eat whatever I want, but I also am not happy with the weight that I am right now. I don't like having a little fat roll around my middle. It's disgusting. I also don't like seeing the loss of muscle tone, what little I had anyway.

Tomorrow will probably be a pretty busy day. Our last one at home for awhile. We'll have to get the truck packed back up and the house locked down. We're planning on only being gone at most 3 weeks before coming back home this time. If we can get back home after two weeks out, we'll do that. We're definitely not fans of winter weather and the more days we can be at home during the winter, the better. We can always make more money during the summer and fall and be safer while doing it!

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